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Ecological CPD Training for Professionals

Bat Training

Aimed at Arborists and Woodland practitioners, this one day course is designed to raise the awareness of bat roosts in trees so that participants feel more confident in their jobs and have the knowledge and skills to work in situations when bats might be present.The course covers bat biology and ecology, the Law, identifying bat tree roosts and what to do if you find bats.With a theory and practical session, the course is both informative and hands on.

The use of endoscopes to look for bats requires a bat survey license. However, many arboricultural surveyors and arborists would benefit from being able to use them, to inspect the health of the tree or to rule out the presence of bats.


Fortunately, the four national statutory nature conservation organisations (Natural England, Scottish Natural Heritage, Natural Resources Wales and Northern Ireland Environment Agency) have agreed a method statement under which arborists can use endoscopes without the requirement of a full bat license. 


This course, which follows on from our Bats and Trees Awareness Course, provides the necessary training to follow the method statement and therefore use endoscopes. Without appropriate training such as this, you are not covered under the method statement. The course also covers bat tree roosts in more detail as well as providing a practical session to look at potential roost features in a woodland setting. 

Endoscoping for arborists

With over half of our UK bat species using trees to roost in, surveying trees for potential roost features (PRF's) is a fundamental aspect of the bat ecologists workload. However, it is easy to get it wrong or to get confused by the huge range of possible roost features. 


This course provides a detailed overview of the PRF's to look for, as well as offering real examples of their usage and a chance to see genuine tree roosts (possibly with bats in them!). We will also go through the process of surveying trees for bats, what you should be doing, what survey effort to put in, and how you can mitigate for the loss of tree roosts. 


There will be classroom based theory sessions as well as outdoor practical sessions. Attendees will be expected to have a grounding in the basics of bat ecology and biology. 

Planning for Ecological Constraints

Building developments within the UK often require ecological survey work. This could include construction on green field sites, brown field sites, as well as redevelopment of buildings, such as barn conversions and site gentrification. 


Understanding ecological constraints to developments can greatly improve project management. Wildlife surveys can be planned for in advance so that timescales need not be affected.


This CPD training course is designed for planning and development professionals and covers an overview of what wildlife might be a consideration on development and what surveys therefore need to be carried out.


We cover the legal implications of UK protected species and what licenses and mitigation may be required.

Ecological Surveys: Project
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